Find a House Sitter – AND Be a House Sitter too!

HouseSitMexico offers its members the opportunity to find great house sitters for their home, AND serve as a house sitter. To do so choose a combined membership (as both a sitter and homeowner) for $99 US. That’s just $20 more than joining in a single category. With a combined membership you can also propose and arrange house swaps, communicating with other homeowners in Mexico through our secure in-system messaging system.

Mexico’s a big country! You may live in the central highlands, but wouldn’t some time at the beach be fun? Travel around Mexico at the same pace of life you’ve come to enjoy. What other locations in Mexico have been on YOUR ‘bucket list’ to explore? Apply for a house sit and if you get the assignment, use HouseSitMexico to find a sitter to care for YOUR home while you’re away.

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