What Our Members Say...

Great gal! We had a good pre pet sit visit. Clean house, good instructions. Enjoyed communicating. The two cats were great. Playful and fun. Easy keepers. Thanks, Kristin! I had a really good time at your home with your kids.

Gena Housesitter

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Are You a Homeowner or Renter in Mexico?

Find reliable sitters wherever your home is in Mexico.

Pets are happier, healthier and less stressed staying in their own home—and you'll have no kennel bills!

Enjoy peace of mind that your home is securely occupied in your absence.

Do You Want to House Sit in Mexico?

Experience Mexico away from resorts and hotels–and stay for free!

Choose a house sit where you want to be—from Mexico's beaches to its central highlands, to its tropics.

Explore Mexico at your own pace. Short-term and longer- term stays are available.

Do you want to House Sit in Mexico?

Experience Mexico away from resorts and hotels–and stay for free!

Choose a house sit where you want to be—from Mexico's beaches to its central highlands, to its tropics.

Explore Mexico at your own pace. Short-term and longer- term stays are available.

Become a Member of HouseSitMexico™

Be a sitter, find a sitter or do both!

No extra charges. No limitations.

Thinking About Relocating to Mexico?

House-sitting in México can be one of the best ways for you to decide which part of México will be your best choice, to learn first-hand about cultural differences, and to immerse yourself in learning the Spanish language.

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New to House Sitting? So Were We!

When we meet new people, they are always fascinated that we are house sitters and don’t charge for our services…. Their next questions are “How did you get into that?” and “How can we do that?” I think all sitters started in their own way, but we are always happy to share our story.

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The Many Values of Volunteering

We discovered the satisfaction of volunteering for spay and neuter clinics. It is hard work for three days, but to see the patience of people waiting in line to have their animals cared for; to know that there will be fewer animals living on the streets; and to be able to comfort animals as they wake from anesthetic is worth every minute.

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Bringing Your Own Dog to House Sit

Is it possible to travel with your own dog whilst sitting and traveling?  YES!!!  We have found that it is easier than we thought, especially with a little planning ahead, research, and, most importantly, letting go of some fear and worry!  We need to give a big shout-out to HouseSitMexico.com for helping make this fantastic lifestyle possible

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